List of People living in Paschkerwitz in 1901, 1931, 1937 and 1942







For more information (in German) on the legal relationships between village and estate visit Böhm-Chronik








588 Einw. 588 Residents
Post Post office
Amtsv. Government Agent
Landj. Police Station
Schule und Kirche ev. Paschkerwitz School and church Protestant Paschkerwitz
Amtg. Trebnitz Government Agency Trebnitz
Kreisstadt 13 km. District capital 13 km
At this time the area district was divided into villages and estates. This list only shows the names of the villagers. The estate workers were recorded on a separate list.In 1910 the population of the village was 420 and 100 people lived on the estate.





600 Einw. 600 Residents
Entf. v. d. Kr. 12 km

Distance from disrict capital 12km

Ag. Trebnitz District Government Agency Trebnitz
A. Government Agent
St. Registry office
P. und Eis. Paschkerwitz Postoffice and railway Paschkerwitz
Bürgermeister Klinkert August Mayor Klinkert August









580 Einw. 580 Residents
Entf. v. d. Kr. 12km Distance from district capital 12km
Ag. Trebnitz District Government Agency Trebnitz
A. Government agent
St. Registry office
P. and Eis. Paschk. Post office and railway Paschkerwitz
Bürgermeister Klinkert August Mayor Klinkert August


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